Carbon Reduction Plan
Classic Builders (Southwest) Limited is committed to achieving Net Zero emissions by 2050
Baseline Emissions Footprint
Baseline emissions are a record of the greenhouse gases that have been produced in the past and were produced prior to the introduction of any strategies to reduce emissions. Baseline emissions are the reference point against which emissions reduction can be measured.
Baseline Year: 2021 | |
Additional Details relating to the Baseline Emissions calculations. | |
Please note, 2021 is to be classed as ‘Baseline’ with Scope 3 emissions still to be confirmed (Classic Builders used circa 600 individual suppliers during the period of 2021 – 2022, with these all yet to confirm relevant emissions data). | |
Baseline year emissions: | |
Scope 1 | 13.6 |
Scope 2 | 986.1 |
Scope 3 (Included Sources) |
246.5 |
Total Emissions | 1246.2 |
Current Emissions Reporting
Reporting Year: 2022 | |
Scope 1 | 48.1 |
Scope 2 | 415.2 |
Scope 3 (Included Sources) |
677.70 |
Total Emissions | 1141 |
Emissions Reduction Targets
In order to continue our progress to achieving Net Zero, we have adopted the following carbon reduction targets.
Emissions reduction targets include –
- Continued reduction in the use of fossil fuel and finite resources, such as –
- Petroleum powered vehicles and machinery
- Gas powered heating
- Materials containing or using fossil fuels for manufacture (such as plastics, tars, waxes, chemicals, etc.).
- Continued education on the secondary uses and presences of hydrocarbons etc.
NB – overall achievable hydrocarbon target unknown at this time due to technological advances regarding machinery and on site plant. However, total remaining carbons / hydrocarbon emissions after implemented mitigation practices will be offset to achieve Net Zero target.
- Installation and adoption of renewable energy sources at administrative centres (Redruth, Plymouth and Exeter) – currently at 66.6% of a 100% target.
- Migration to renewable energy sources administrative centres (current migration levels at 66.6% of a 100% target)
- Increasing the adoption and use of EVs through progressive migration of fleet (currently at 3% of total fleet).
- Further promotion of the use of public transport
- Continuation of Scope 3 analysis and promotion to supply chain partners.
We predict that carbon emissions will decrease over the next five years to 900 tCO2e by 2027. This is a reduction of 21%
Progress against these targets can be seen in the graph below:

Carbon Reduction Projects
The following reduction measures and projects have been implemented since the establishment of the 2021 baseline. Although the full extent of the emission reductions achieved by these projects is yet to be determined, their impacts are clearly contributing to a greater understanding of recorded data and a clear lowering in emissions. Implemented reduction measures include –
Measure Embodied Carbon Emissions
We have begun measuring the embodied carbon emissions across the lifecycle of our business and projects. This provides us with greater knowledge, understanding and authority to develop further reduction plans. Scopes 1 and 2 are manageable and monitorable, however, further consideration and analysis needs to be paid to Scope 3 emissions due to lack of information from supply chain partners.
Establish and Maintain an Informed Baseline
Once we establish and maintain a clear and continually informed baseline, we can establish reduction targets and, ultimately, a pathway towards net zero.
Lead by Example
Achieving net zero status is a strategic objective driven by our Senior Management Team (SMT).
To develop its culture and lead by example, the organisation has committed to the following leadership and management processes –
- Obtaining and maintaining ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems compliance certification.
- Creating a dedicated Zero Carbon Steering Group
- Strategically targeting and delivering highly suitable building projects
- Aligning the organisation to work with likeminded clients, agents, supply chain members and peers.
Promote Quick Wins
Making long lasting environmental changes starts by making and practicing impactful decisions. For this reason, Classic Builders promotes a number of carbon reduction quick wins within its organisation. By demonstrating to its clients, employees, partners and suppliers, Classic Builders can nurture and promote a proactive and environmentally accountable culture. These quick wins help acclimatise those practicing them to a new way of operating whilst also demonstrating that change is easily achievable, examples include –
- Reducing generated waste
- Reusing generated waste
- Recycling what can’t be directly reused
- Segregating waste
- Vehicle sharing
- Using hybrid vehicles and EVs
- Where applicable, using public transport
- Adopting the use of video calling
- Minimising printing
- Using renewable energy sources
Adopt Best Practices
By using ISO certified management processes to work alongside likeminded industry contributors to jointly deliver environmentally sustainable projects, Classic Builders has positioned itself to have exposure to and to the ability to adopt a multitude of emerging best practices. Owing to the industry’s complex and interconnected nature, progression towards net zero is still (in certain aspects) within the pioneering phase of its lifespan. Critical reflective thinking (CRT) is therefore necessary (and continually practiced at Classic Builders) to review, learn from and develop improved ways of working.
Design With a Low Carbon Approach
Classic Builders is taking a fully integrated Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) approach to its relevant projects and responsibilities. Where able, LCAs are completed to model the embodied and operational carbons associated to a particular project. Analysis of the project’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOTs) is undertaken to identify effective improvement and carbon reduction opportunities. As well as project specific analysis, an overarching view is taken based on lessons learnt and findings from obtained LCA data. Strategic changes can then be implemented to adapt to findings and emerging needs.
As a prominent Southwest construction company, Classic Builders appreciates the importance and value collaborating with likeminded organisations can bring. By working with others, risks are reduced, opportunities are maximised, and carbon reduction processes can be maximised. A key part of collaberation is knowledge sharing and learning from the experience of others. With this in mind, Classic Builders has worked with, to, and or collaborated with the following organisations –
- LETI standards
- The Active Building Centre
- Beattie Passive
- Passivhaus Certifiers
- Passivhaus Plus standards
Consider The Long-term
As well as the above processes and practices, attention will also be paid to long-term considerations and ensuring the effectiveness of proposed reduction strategies remains relevant. This will be achieved by –
- Utilising ISO SWOT analysis findings to inform reduction plan amendments.
- Utilising feedback from reduction plan monitoring processes to inform appropriate amendments.
- Retaining interest in emerging technologies (such as low carbon, zero carbon, carbon negative, carbon capturing, etc.).
- Maintaining awareness and knowledge of changes to regulations and legislation (on a national and regional scale).
- Adhering to reduction plan objectives.
Declaration and Sign Off
This Carbon Reduction Plan has been completed in accordance with PPN 06/21 and associated guidance and reporting standard for Carbon Reduction Plans. Emissions have been reported and recorded in accordance with the published reporting standard for Carbon Reduction Plans and the GHG Reporting Protocol corporate standard[1] and uses the appropriate Government emission conversion factors for greenhouse gas company reporting[2].Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions have been reported in accordance with SECR requirements, and the required subset of Scope 3 emissions have been reported in accordance with the published reporting standard for Carbon Reduction Plans and the Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Standard[3].This Carbon Reduction Plan has been reviewed and signed off by the board of directors (or equivalent management body).